Has social media made people more or less open-minded? This study found that social media users have a mixed relationship between political expression and open-mindedness. This is due in part to their perception of the platform itself as being open-minded. The perceived open-mindedness of a platform affects the degree of dialogical openness it fosters. This is important because social media users are more likely to share their political views when they are more open-minded.
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This article originally analyzed the impact of social media on teens and adults. The results showed that teens and adults alike spent more time online than offline. These numbers have been updated to account for the effects of social media. The study also found that the connection between the brain and the gut may lead to physical symptoms like nausea, headaches, and trembling. However, researchers warn that too much time spent on social media could cause serious health issues, including digital burnout and screen fatigue.
This study also compared the conditional effects of social media on dialogic and open-mindedness. The conditional effect of platform open-mindedness on dialogic openness is only significant for people with moderate dialogic openness, while it is not significant for people with the lowest level of dialogic engagement. Thus, it is difficult to determine whether social media made us more or less open-minded.
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